I have been making knives since 1972. I am a full-time knifemaker.
This Web site: www.rbjohnsonknives.com
is created to present my current knife styles, ideas (Gallery) and knives available for immediate delivery. (Store)I try to keep my designs clean, functional and organic, with eye appeal in mind. I am constantly looking for new and interesting materials to use. I have been making knives for over 30 years. I like to go to my shop with enthusiasm and excitement about new projects. In that state of mind I do my best work everything seems to flow, time flies by.
I seldom leave the shop until my inspiration runs its course, when that happens I stop making knives and wait for the next burst. I feel fortunate to be self-employed. I do not see knife making as a job. With a few exceptions, I avoid taking custom orders. However, I try to always have something available to keep my collectors happy.
IBS Int’l is my folding knife supplies business and is to serve my fellow knifemakers and knife making hobbyists.
You can call me if you need more information about my knives or offered supplies.
Thank you for stopping by!